Source code for simple_report.xlsx.spreadsheet_ml

# coding: utf-8
Created on 24.11.2011

@author: prefer

import re
import os

from lxml.etree import QName, tostring, fromstring
from simple_report.core import XML_DEFINITION
from simple_report.core.xml_wrap import OpenXMLFile, ReletionOpenXMLFile, ReletionTypes, CommonProperties
from simple_report.core.shared_table import SharedStringsTable
from simple_report.core.exception import SectionNotFoundException, SectionException, SheetNotFoundException
from simple_report.utils import get_addr_cell
from simple_report.xlsx.cursor import Cursor
from simple_report.xlsx.section import Section, SheetData

[docs]class Comments(OpenXMLFile): u""" Комментарии в XLSX """ NS = "" NS_XDR = "" section_pattern = re.compile(u'[\+|\-]+[A-Za-zА-яА-я0-9_]+') def __init__(self, sheet_data, *args, **kwargs): """ :param sheet_data: данные для листа :type sheet_data: xlsx.section.SheetData """ super(Comments, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert isinstance(sheet_data, SheetData) self._sheet_data = sheet_data self.sections = {} self.comment_list = self._root.find(QName(self.NS, 'commentList')) self._create_section() # Проверка, правильно ли указаны секции и есть ли конец секции self._test_sections() def _test_sections(self): u""" Проверка секций на валидность """ for section_object in self.sections.values(): if not or not section_object.begin or not section_object.end: raise ValueError("Bad section: %s" % section_object) def _parse_sections(self, comment_list): """ Распознаем секции :param comment_list: Список комментариев :type comment_list: iterable """ for comment in comment_list: cell = comment.get('ref') for text in comment: for r in text: for t in r.findall(QName(self.NS, 't')): yield t.text, cell def _create_section(self): u""" Создание объектов секций из комментариев """ map(self._add_section, self._parse_sections(self.comment_list)) def _add_section(self, values): text = values[0] cell = values[1] values = self.section_pattern.findall(text) addr = get_addr_cell(cell) for value in values: section_name = self._get_name_section(value) # Такой объект должен быть if value.startswith('-'): # Такой элемент уже должен быть if not self.sections.get(section_name): raise SectionException('Start section "%s" not found' % section_name) section = self.sections[section_name] # Второго конца быть не может if section.end: raise SectionException('For section "%s" more than one ending tag' % section_name) section.end = addr else: # Второго начала у секции быть не может if self.sections.get(section_name): raise SectionException('For section "%s" more than one beging tag' % section_name) self.sections[section_name] = Section(self._sheet_data, section_name, begin=addr) def _get_name_section(self, text): """ Возвращает из наименования ++A - название секции :param text: комментарий :type text: basestring """ for i, s in enumerate(text): if s.isalpha(): return text[i:] else: raise SectionException('Section name bad format "%s"' % text)
[docs] def get_section(self, section_name): """ Получение секции по имени :param section_name: :type section_name: """ try: section = self.sections[section_name] except KeyError: raise SectionNotFoundException('Section "%s" not found' % section_name) else: return section
[docs] def get_sections(self): u""" Получение всех секций """ return self.sections
[docs] def create(cls, cursor, *args, **kwargs): return cls(cursor, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def build(self): u""" Сборка файла с комментариями, предварительно удалив их """ if len(self.comment_list) > 0: self.comment_list.clear() with open(self.file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(XML_DEFINITION + tostring(self._root))
[docs]class SharedStrings(OpenXMLFile): u""" XML-файл с общими строками, на каждую из которых могут ссылаться из других xml-файлов XLSX """ NS = "" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SharedStrings, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.table = SharedStringsTable(self._root)
[docs] def build(self): u""" Сборка файла """ new_root = self.table.to_xml() with open(self.file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(XML_DEFINITION + tostring(new_root))
[docs]class WorkbookSheet(ReletionOpenXMLFile): u""" Лист книги документа в формате XLSX """ NS = '' NS_R = '' def __init__(self, shared_table, tags, name, sheet_id, *args, **kwargs): """ :param shared_table: :type shared_table: :param tags: :type tags: :param name: :type name: :param sheet_id: :type sheet_id: """ super(WorkbookSheet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = name self.sheet_id = sheet_id # Первый элемент: начало вывода по вертикали, второй по горизонтали self.sheet_data = SheetData(self._root, cursor=Cursor(), ns=self.NS, shared_table=shared_table, tags=tags, ) self.drawing, self.comments = self.walk_reletion()
[docs] def walk_reletion(self): """ """ drawing = comments = None if not self._reletion_root is None: for elem in self._reletion_root: param = (elem.attrib['Id'], elem.attrib['Target']) if elem.attrib['Type'] == ReletionTypes.DRAWING: drawing = self._get_drawing(*param) elif elem.attrib['Type'] == ReletionTypes.COMMENTS: comments = self._get_comment(*param) return drawing, comments
def _get_comment(self, rel_id, target): u""" Получение объекта комментария """ return Comments.create(self.sheet_data, rel_id, *self._get_path(target)) def _get_drawing(self, rel_id, target): u""" Unused """ def __str__(self): res = [u'Sheet name "{0}":'.format(] if self.comments: for section in self.sections: res.append(u'\t %s' % section) return u'\n'.join(res).encode('utf-8') def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property
[docs] def sections(self): return self.comments.get_sections()
[docs] def get_section(self, name): u""" Получение секции по имени """ return self.comments.get_section(name)
[docs] def get_sections(self): u""" Получение всех секций """ return self.sections
[docs] def build(self): u""" Сборка xml-файла """ new_root = self.sheet_data.new_sheet() with open(self.file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(XML_DEFINITION + tostring(new_root)) if self.comments:
[docs] def get_rowbreaks(self): return self.sheet_data.get_rowbreaks()
[docs] def get_colbreaks(self): return self.sheet_data.get_colbreaks()
[docs]class WorkbookStyles(OpenXMLFile): """ Unused """
[docs]class Workbook(ReletionOpenXMLFile): u""" Книга в формате XLSX """ NS = "" NS_R = "" def __init__(self, tags, *args, **kwargs): """ :param tags: :type tags: """ super(Workbook, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.tags = tags ( self.workbook_style, tmp_sheets, self.shared_strings, self.calc_chain ) = self.walk_reletions() self.sheets = self.walk(tmp_sheets) if self.sheets: # По-умолчанию активным считается первый лист self._active_sheet = self.sheets[0] else: raise SheetNotFoundException('Sheets not found')
[docs] def walk_reletions(self): u""" """ workbook_style = shared_strings = calc_chain = None sheets = {} for elem in self._reletion_root: param = (elem.attrib['Id'], elem.attrib['Target']) if elem.attrib['Type'] == ReletionTypes.WORKBOOK_STYLE: workbook_style = self._get_style(*param) elif elem.attrib['Type'] == ReletionTypes.WORKSHEET: sheets[elem.attrib['Id']] = elem.attrib['Target'] elif elem.attrib['Type'] == ReletionTypes.SHARED_STRINGS: shared_strings = self._get_shared_strings(*param) elif elem.attrib['Type'] == ReletionTypes.CALC_CHAIN: calc_chain = self._get_calc_chain(*param) self._reletion_root.remove(elem) return workbook_style, sheets, shared_strings, calc_chain
[docs] def walk(self, sheet_reletion): """ """ sheets = [] sheets_elem = self._root.find(QName(self.NS, 'sheets')) for sheet_elem in sheets_elem: name = sheet_elem.attrib['name'] sheet_id = sheet_elem.attrib['sheetId'] # state = sheet_elem.attrib['state'] -- В win файле нет такого свойства rel_id = sheet_elem.attrib.get(QName(self.NS_R, 'id')) target = sheet_reletion[rel_id] sheet = self._get_worksheet(rel_id, target, name, sheet_id) sheets.append(sheet) return sheets
def _get_style(self, _id, target): """ Unused """ def _get_worksheet(self, rel_id, target, name, sheet_id): """ Получение листа книги :param rel_id: :type rel_id: :param target: :type target: :param name: :type name: :param sheet_id: :type sheet_id: """ worksheet = WorkbookSheet.create(self.shared_table, self.tags, name, sheet_id, rel_id, *self._get_path(target)) return worksheet def _get_shared_strings(self, _id, target): """ Получение общих строк :param _id: идентификатор строки :type _id: :param target: :type target: """ return SharedStrings.create(_id, *self._get_path(target)) def _get_calc_chain(self, _id, target): return CalcChain.create(_id, *self._get_path(target))
[docs] def get_section(self, name): """ """ return self._active_sheet.get_section(name)
[docs] def get_sections(self): """ """ return self._active_sheet.get_sections()
@property def active_sheet(self): return self._active_sheet @active_sheet.setter
[docs] def active_sheet(self, value): assert isinstance(value, int) self._active_sheet = self.sheets[value]
[docs] def build(self): """ """ map(lambda x:, self.sheets) if self.calc_chain:
[docs] def shared_table(self): return self.shared_strings.table
[docs] def get_rowbreaks(self): return self._active_sheet.get_rowbreaks()
[docs] def get_colbreaks(self): return self._active_sheet.get_colbreaks()
[docs]class CommonPropertiesXLSX(CommonProperties): """ """ def _get_app_common(self, _id, target): """ """ return Workbook.create(self.tags, _id, *self._get_path(target))
[docs]class CalcChain(OpenXMLFile): """ Цепочка вычислений. Указывает порядок вычислений в ячейках а также является кешем значений. ( Поскольку довольно сложно в автоматическом режиме указывать порядок вычисления, просто удаляем файл + ссылки на него. Еще 1 плюс такого подхода - больше не должна повторяться ошибка при открытии файла в MS Office 2007/2010, шаблон которого был сохранен то в Libre/Openoffice, то в MS Office """ NS = ""
[docs] def build(self): """ Удаляем файл с цепочкой вычислений """ if os.path.exists(self.file_path): os.remove(self.file_path)
[docs] def from_file(cls, file_path): assert file_path # if os.path.exists(file_path): # with open(file_path) as f: # return parse(f).getroot() # else: return fromstring("<fake_root/>")